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Question ID: 1000-1917-2-4-5-9

Recipe Description

Okey, now we're warming things up, and we need to take a little off the top. Using the wine key knife, take the very top of the foil off. Take care not to remove too much of the foil. As a general rule of thumb, you don't want to take off the foil below the lip of the bottle. For a few reasons 1.) If for some unholy reason you knock the edge of the bottle on your glass it wont chip and/or shatter. That would over all be bad. 2.) It helps bead off a renegade drop of wine when pouring. 3.) and no one likes to be naked BEFORE they start drinking. Once you have the top peeled up, go a head and take the circle all the way off. It's ok, it's just a little off the top.


Alright, now things are gunna get a little complicated.... Take the corkscrew and press it into the top of cork generally in the center . Twist it until the tip starts to poke through the cork. Once it takes, keep twisting and pressing the corkscrew until you're about two or three circles from being all the way in. If it's a natural cork don't go too deep, or too much to one side or the cork with shred and degrade. Not good. You want to keep your cork intact for good extraction.


Using the wine key's foot, leverage the cork out of the bottle gently. Take care not to pull the cork all the way out using the cork screw. When you get the cork fully extended using the foot, pull the cork out the rest of the way wrapping your hand around the exposed cork.


Pull on it a little bit with your hand wrapped around the exposed cork. Wiggle it, until it pops off. Great! Now, the fun part.....


Wrap the little guy up before you go any farther. The linen napkin gets folded into a bandanna like wrap to go around the neck of your bottle. This prevents the little dribbles from getting on your hand, clothes or friends. If you've left the foil on, there should be very little but just a precaution.


Pour a small amount into a glass to sample the wine. Make sure it's not vinegar, or musty. Swish. Swash. Slush. Swirl. Just please, make sure you swallow.


Once you've let the bouquet penetrate your pallet and let the notes dance across your taste-buds give that needed nod (or, the most epic thumbs-up), and let's get to the fun part!


Okey. It's tasted, tested and approved. Fill that glass up. But don't go more than half way, it will make you look like a drunk and/or greedy if you do. =)


Alright kiddo's, this is the point where you can enjoy your spoils. Drink and be merry. Raise a glass to the past and savor the moment. You deserve it.


This one speaks for it self. If you need to repeat steps 1-9, that's your call. Practice makes perfect (but I wouldn't suggest more than one or two go about's without  a friend for support.) Now, you know how to properly open and pour a bottle of wine. I don't have to tell you how to enjoy it. I'm pretty sure you're all seasoned pro's =)


Question & Answer

Question: Choose the best title for the missing blank to correctly complete the recipe.

Put One Foot In.


Just a Little for Taste

The End


(A) How to Make a Pitcher of Koolaid.

(B) Vino Bandito

(C) Chill

(D) Wait Over Night

??? (B) Vino Bandito