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Question ID: 2000-11200-3-4-5-6

Recipe Description

- 4 tomatoes diced (no romas and can't be too small)- 5 to 6 avocados depending on size (you want 1.5 avocados for 1 tomato in size)- 1 1/2 cups of red onion (diced)- 2 jalapeños (minced) - 1/3 cup cilantro- 1/4 cup lime juice - 1 tbl salt- 1/2 cup sour cream (daisy for perfection)

Just showing a simple way of diving tomatoes.

Place tomatoes in a bowl. Add 1 tbl of saltAdd 1/4 cup of lime juice Mix very well. Pat the tomatoes down so lime juice is touching the whole batch. Place in fridge for 1/2 hour

Just showing a simple way of dicing an onion. Separate the little pieces of onion so they don't clump up and so you don't get all onion bites.

Just showing a simple mince method.

Pinch cilantro in a tight ball to mince with ease.

Dice avocados in their shell to get ready for a step ahead. Use spoon to scoop them out.

Strain excess juice

In a bowl place all of your prepped ingredients in the order it shows. - tomatoes- onions- jalapeños - cilantro - 1/2 cup sour cream - avocados And mix very well. I mix this for about 3 minutes making sure everything is broken up in there so you get to taste everything in every bite.

Your hard work pays off ! In tacos, with chips or even on a burger you'll find that this dish pairs up with a lot of food. Because of its lime it's great for bringing up the taste in a fish dish. Questions or comments don't hesitate to leave them here I'll reply pretty quickly.

Question & Answer

Question: Choose the best image for the missing blank to correctly complete the recipe.



(A) (B) (C) (D)
